Posterior a las elecciones presidenciales de Bielorrusia se desató una lucha de poder en Europa. Por un lado, Rusia no ve con buenos ojos un posible cambio de Bielorrusia tendiente hacia Europa Occidental, por otro lado, la OTAN y la Unión Europea, no dejarán que Rusia tenga una excusa para ocupar militarmente Bielorrusia y transformar a este país en una nueva Crimea. La decisión para occidente de qué hacer con Bielorrusia, no será nada fácil.
The United States created an alliance of western countries in the Pacific to contain the communist expansion of the Soviet Union, it was the beginning of the naval exercise RIMPAC. However, after the demise of the Soviet Union, this exercise should have been stopped. There was no enemy to balance against. However, the exercises continue until today. These research paper will try to explain the reasons of why this exercise did not vanish with the Cold War, and also will try to define how can it be interpreted through the lens of alliance formation and balance of power theories. The research will analyze the three-time period: from 1971-1990 (Cold War), Post-Cold War, and future scenarios involving the rise of China.
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Año CXXXIX, Volumen 142, Número 1004
Enero - Febrero 2025