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The Chilean Navy and the Royal Navy have a relationship that is more than 200 years old. It started when Thomas Cochrane...
During Rim of the Pacific (RimPac) 2018, Chilean Navy Commodore Pablo Niemann was the maritime component commander. With...
El jueves 7 de noviembre, el presidente de la República en uso de sus atribuciones constitucionales convocó a una reunió...
Richard Kouyoumdjian seeks to answer the question about if China is or not a Sea Power. After analysing what authors like Alfred Thayer Mahan have to say about this concept, he uses the more contemporary points of view of Geoffrey Till to define what kind of Sea Power a nation, particularly in this case China, has. Through the different chapters the author arrives to the conclusion that enables us to understand China ´s interests and how it will develop in the future and her relation with the US Naval Power.
Versión PDF
Año CXXXIX, Volumen 142, Número 1004
Enero - Febrero 2025